Source code for openbci_stream.daemons.stream_eeg

Binary to EEG

A transformer for Kafka that reads binary data and stream EEG data.

Binary -> Kafka-Transformer -> EEG

For examples and descriptions refers to documentation:
`Data storage handler <../A1-raw_cleaning.ipynb>`_

import sys
import pickle

# import struct
# from functools import cached_property
import numpy as np

# from multiprocessing import Pool
# from datetime import datetime
# import rawutil
import logging

from kafka import KafkaConsumer, KafkaProducer
from typing import TypeVar  # , List, Dict, Tuple, Any

from queue import LifoQueue as queue

from openbci_stream.utils import autokill_process


DEBUG = '--debug' in sys.argv

    # logging.getLogger('kafka').setLevel(logging.WARNING)

KafkaStream = TypeVar('kafka-stream')

[docs]class EEG: """Kafka transformer with parallel implementation for processing binary raw data into EEG microvolts. This script requires the Kafka daemon running and enables an `auto-kill process <openbci_stream.utils.pid_admin.rst#module-openbci_stream.utils.pid_admin>`_ """ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self): """""" self.consumer_eegn = KafkaConsumer( bootstrap_servers=['localhost:9092'], value_deserializer=pickle.loads, auto_offset_reset='latest', ) self.consumer_eegn.subscribe(['eeg0', 'eeg1', 'eeg2', 'eeg3']) self.producer_eeg = KafkaProducer( bootstrap_servers=['localhost:9092'], compression_type='gzip', value_serializer=pickle.dumps, batch_size=2**16, ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def consume(self) -> None: """Infinite loop for read Kafka stream.""" eeg_historical = { 'eeg0': queue(), 'eeg1': queue(), 'eeg2': queue(), 'eeg3': queue(), } while True: for record in self.consumer_eegn: f"processing {record.topic}:{len(record.value['data'])}" ) eeg_historical[record.topic].put(record) count = record.value['context']['parallel_boards'] data = [ eeg_historical[f'eeg{c}'].qsize() for c in range(count) ] while min(data) > 0: if all(data): logging.debug(f'Preparing stream {data}') stream = [ eeg_historical[f'eeg{c}'].get() for c in range(count) ] eeg_data = [s.value['data'] for s in stream] context = stream[0].value['context'] # montage logging.debug('Creating montage') montage = [ s.value['context']['montage'] for s in stream ] montage_ = [] for items, i in zip( [list(m.items()) for m in montage], [0] + [len(m) for m in montage][:-1], ): items, i montage_.extend( [(m[0] + i, m[1]) for m in items] ) montage = dict(montage_) # context logging.debug('Creating context') context['montage'] = montage context['timestamp.binary'] = [ s.value['context']['timestamp.binary'] for s in stream ] context['daisy'] = [ s.value['context']['daisy'] for s in stream ] context['timestamp.eeg'] = [ s.value['context']['timestamp.eeg'] for s in stream ] context['timestamp.binary.consume'] = [ s.value['context']['timestamp.binary.consume'] for s in stream ] context['buffer'] = data context['sample_ids'] = [ s.value['context']['sample_ids'] for s in stream ] logging.debug(f"IDs: {context['sample_ids']}") # NO CUT DATA logging.debug('Preparing EEG data') # cuteeg = min([d[0].shape[1] for d in eeg_data]) eeg = np.concatenate( [d[0] for d in eeg_data], axis=0 ) # if cuteeg: # logging.debug(f'>Loaded {cuteeg} samples') if eeg_data[0][1].size: logging.debug(f'Preparing AUX data') # cutaux = min([d[1].shape[1] for d in eeg_data]) aux = np.concatenate( [d[1] for d in eeg_data], axis=0 ) # if cutaux: # logging.debug(f'Loaded {cutaux} samples') else: logging.debug(f'No Auxiliar data') aux = None # EEG logging.debug(f'Streaming EEG({eeg.shape})') context['samples'] = eeg.shape[1] self.producer_eeg.send( 'eeg', {'context': context.copy(), 'data': eeg.copy()}, ) # fut_eeg = self.producer_eeg.send( # 'eeg', {'context': context.copy(), 'data': eeg.copy()}) # try: # fut_eeg.get() # except Exception as e: # logging.error(e) # Aux if aux.size: logging.debug(f'Streaming AUX({aux.shape})') context['samples'] = aux.shape[1] self.producer_eeg.send( 'aux', { 'context': context.copy(), 'data': aux.copy(), }, ) # fut_aux = self.producer_eeg.send( # 'aux', {'context': context.copy(), 'data': aux.copy()}) # try: # fut_aux.get() # except Exception as e: # logging.error(e) else: logging.debug(f'Not enought data {data}') data = [ eeg_historical[f'eeg{c}'].qsize() for c in range(count) ]
if __name__ == '__main__': tranformer = EEG() tranformer.consume()