Command line interface

This interface is useful to debug, test connections and features. It can be used for start acquisition or simply connect to an existing one, stream markers, and storage data.

$ openbci_cli -h
usage: openbci_cli [-h] {serial,wifi,stream,marker} ...

Command line interface for OpenBCI-Stream

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    serial              Endpoint using Serial protocol
    wifi                Endpoint using WiFi module
    stream              Real-time transmission packages debugger
    marker              Real-time markers streamer

OpenBCI-Stream is software package developed by GCPDS


There are 4 endpoints: serial, wifi, stream and marker

serial and wifi

The difference between serial and wifi are the options --port and --ip respectively, the first is used to select the serial port and the second is used for select the IP of the WiFi module. Additionally, we can use the option --output for specifying a file to write the acquired data in format hdf5 and --command to send commands based on the SDK documentation.

$ openbci_cli serial -h
usage: openbci_cli [-h] {serial,wifi,stream,marker} ...

Command line interface for OpenBCI-Stream

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    serial              Endpoint using Serial protocol
    wifi                Endpoint using WiFi module
    stream              Real-time transmission packages debugger
    marker              Real-time markers streamer

OpenBCI-Stream is software package developed by GCPDS

For example if we wan to start a stream from serial device in port /dev/ttyUSB0 with daisy module attached, streaming 250 samples per second:

[ ]:
$ openbci_cli serial --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --daisy --streaming_package_size 250

or start a stream from wifi device in IP in marker mode without daisy module, streaming 2000 samples per second:

[ ]:
$ openbci_cli wifi --ip -s 1000 -c ~4

the option ~4 according to the SDK is for configure the sample rate in 1000 samples per second, SAMPLE_RATE_2KSPS is valid too:

[ ]:
$ openbci_cli wifi --ip -s 1000 -c SAMPLE_RATE_2KSPS


With this option, we access to a real-time debugger to view the streaming status. We can use the option --output for specifying a file to write the acquired data in format hdf5.

[ ]:
$ openbci_cli stream -h


With this option, we enter into an interactive terminal to create and stream markers.

[ ]:
$ openbci_cli marker
[ ]:

Remote host

All interfaces and commands here explained can be executed from a remote host with the option --host:

[ ]:
$ openbci_cli serial --host --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --daisy --streaming_package_size 250
[ ]:
$ openbci_cli stream -h --host
[ ]:
$ openbci_cli marker --host