Source code for openbci_stream.daemons.stream_bin2eeg

Binary to EEG

A transformer for Kafka that reads binary data and stream EEG data.

Binary -> Kafka-Transformer -> EEG

For examples and descriptions refers to documentation:
`Data storage handler <../A1-raw_cleaning.ipynb>`_

import sys
import pickle
import struct
from functools import cached_property
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime

# import rawutil
import logging

from kafka import KafkaConsumer, KafkaProducer
from typing import TypeVar, Dict, Tuple, Any

# from openbci_stream.utils import autokill_process
# autokill_process(name='binary_2_eeg')

DEBUG = '--debug' in sys.argv

    # logging.getLogger('kafka').setLevel(logging.WARNING)

KafkaStream = TypeVar('kafka-stream')

[docs]class BinaryToEEG: """Kafka transformer with parallel implementation for processing binary raw data into EEG microvolts. This script requires the Kafka daemon running and enables an `auto-kill process <openbci_stream.utils.pid_admin.rst#module-openbci_stream.utils.pid_admin>`_ """ BIN_HEADER = 0xA0 LAST_AUX_SHAPE = 0 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, board_id: str = ''): """""" self.board_id = board_id self.consumer_binary = KafkaConsumer( bootstrap_servers=['localhost:9092'], value_deserializer=pickle.loads, auto_offset_reset='latest', ) self.consumer_binary.subscribe([f'binary{self.board_id}']) self.producer_eeg = KafkaProducer( bootstrap_servers=['localhost:9092'], compression_type='gzip', value_serializer=pickle.dumps, ) self.remnant = b'' self.offset = None, None # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @cached_property def scale_factor_eeg(self) -> float: """Vector with the correct factors for scale eeg data samples.""" gain = 24 # vref = 4.5 # for V vref = 4500000 # for uV return vref / (gain * ((2**23) - 1)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def consume(self) -> None: """Infinite loop for read Kafka stream.""" while True: for record in self.consumer_binary: logging.debug(f"processing {len(record.value['data'])}") self.process(record)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def process(self, record: KafkaStream) -> None: """Prepare the binary package for a successful unpack and stream. Parameters ---------- record Kafka stream with binary data. """ buffer = record.value context = buffer['context'] context['timestamp.binary.consume'] = # Deserialize data logging.debug( f'Aligning data: renmant({len(self.remnant)}), buffer({len(buffer["data"])})' ) data, self.remnant = self.align_data(self.remnant + buffer['data']) logging.debug('aligned') if not data.shape[0]: logging.debug('No data after alignement') self.remnant = b'' # reset deserialicig return logging.debug( f'Deserilizing data: data({data.shape}), context({context})' ) eeg_data, aux, ids = self.deserialize(data, context) logging.debug( f'deserialized eeg_data({eeg_data.shape}), aux({aux.shape})' ) logging.debug(f'IDs: {ids}') # Stream context['samples'] = eeg_data.shape[1] context['timestamp.eeg'] = context['sample_ids'] = ids logging.debug(f'Streaming')[eeg_data, aux], context)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def align_data(self, binary: bytes) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, bytes]: """Align data following the headers and footers. Parameters ---------- binary Data raw from OpenBCI board. Returns ------- data_aligned Numpy array of shape (`33, LENGTH`) with headers and footer aligned. remnant This bytes could be used for complete next binary input. """ logging.debug('Binary to np.ndarray') data = np.array(list(binary)) # Search for the the first index with a `BIN_HEADER` logging.debug('Looking for BIN_HEADER') start = [ np.median(np.roll(data, -i, axis=0)[::33]) == self.BIN_HEADER for i in range(33) ].index(True) if (start == 0) and (data.shape[0] % 33 == 0): logging.debug('No alignment necesary') data_aligned = data remnant = b'' else: # Fix the offset to complete 33 bytes divisible array logging.debug('Alingnig...') end = (data.shape[0] - start) % 33 logging.debug( f'Alingnig data({len(data)}) at data({start}:-{end})' ) data_aligned = data[start:-end] logging.debug('Saving remnant') remnant = binary[-end:] logging.debug('Reshaping') data_aligned = data_aligned.reshape(-1, 33) return data_aligned, remnant
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def deserialize(self, data: np.ndarray, context: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """From signed 24-bits integer to signed 32-bits integer. Parameters ---------- data Numpy array of shape (`33, LENGTH`) context Information from the acquisition side useful for deserializing and that will be packaged back in the stream. """ # EGG eeg_data = data[:, 2:26] ids = data[:, 1] eeg_data, ids = getattr( self, f'deserialize_eeg_{context["connection"]}' )(eeg_data, ids, context) # Auxiliar stop_byte = int((np.median(data[:, -1]))) aux = self.deserialize_aux(stop_byte, data[:, 26:32], context) self.LAST_AUX_SHAPE = aux.shape # Stream channels = np.array(list(context['montage'].keys())) - 1 return eeg_data.T[channels], aux.T, ids
#[eeg_data.T[channels], aux.T], eeg_data.shape[0], context) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def deserialize_eeg_wifi( self, eeg: np.ndarray, ids: np.ndarray, context: Dict[str, Any] ) -> np.ndarray: """From signed 24-bits integer to signed 32-bits integer by channels. The `Cyton data format <>`_ says that only can send packages of 33 bits, when a Daisy board is attached these same packages will be sent at double speed in favor to keep the desired sample rate for 16 channels. Parameters ---------- eeg Numpy array in signed 24-bits integer (`8, LENGTH`) ids List of IDs for eeg data. context Information from the acquisition side useful for deserializing and that will be packaged back in the stream. Returns ------- eeg_data EEG data in microvolts, signed 32-bits integer, (`CHANNELS, LENGTH`), if there is a Daisy board `CHANNELS` is 16, otherwise is 8. """ # eeg_data = np.array([[rawutil.unpack('>u', bytes(ch))[0] # for ch in row.reshape(-1, 3).tolist()] for row in eeg]) eeg_data = np.array( [ struct.unpack( '>i', (b'\0' if chunk[0] < 128 else b'\xff') + chunk ) for chunk in [ bytes(ch.tolist()) for ch in eeg.reshape(-1, 3) ] ] ).reshape(-1, 8) eeg_data = eeg_data * self.scale_factor_eeg if context['daisy']: # # If offset, the pair index condition must change if np.array(self.offset[0]).any(): eeg_data = np.concatenate( [[self.offset[0]], eeg_data], axis=0 ) ids = np.concatenate([[self.offset[1]], ids], axis=0) # pair = not pair if ids[0] != ids[1]: eeg_data = np.delete(eeg_data, 0, axis=0) ids = np.delete(ids, 0, axis=0) # if not pair dataset, create an offeset if eeg_data.shape[0] % 2: self.offset = eeg_data[-1], ids[-1] eeg_data = np.delete(eeg_data, -1, axis=0) ids = np.delete(ids, -1, axis=0) else: self.offset = None, None return eeg_data.reshape(-1, 16) return eeg_data, ids
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def deserialize_eeg_serial( self, eeg: np.ndarray, ids: np.ndarray, context: Dict[str, Any] ) -> np.ndarray: """From signed 24-bits integer to signed 32-bits integer by channels. The `Cyton data format <>`_ says that only can send packages of 33 bits, over serial (RFduino) this limit is absolute, when a Daisy board is attached these same amount of packages will be sent, in this case, the data must be distributed and interpolated in order to complete the sample rate. Parameters ---------- eeg Numpy array in signed 24-bits integer (`8, LENGTH`) ids List of IDs for eeg data. context Information from the acquisition side useful for deserializing and that will be packaged back in the stream. Returns ------- eeg_data EEG data in microvolts, signed 32-bits integer, (`CHANNELS, LENGTH`), if there is a Daisy board `CHANNELS` is 16, otherwise is 8. """ # eeg_data = np.array([[rawutil.unpack('>u', bytes(ch))[0] # for ch in row.reshape(-1, 3).tolist()] for row in eeg]) eeg_data = np.array( [ struct.unpack( '>i', (b'\0' if chunk[0] < 128 else b'\xff') + chunk ) for chunk in [ bytes(ch.tolist()) for ch in eeg.reshape(-1, 3) ] ] ).reshape(-1, 8) eeg_data = eeg_data * self.scale_factor_eeg if context['daisy']: even = not ids[0] % 2 # If offset, the even index condition must change if np.array(self.offset[0]).any(): eeg_data = np.concatenate( [[self.offset[0]], eeg_data], axis=0 ) ids = np.concatenate([[self.offset[1]], ids], axis=0) even = not even # if not even dataset, create an offset if eeg_data.shape[0] % 2: self.offset = eeg_data[-1], ids[-1] eeg_data = np.delete(eeg_data, -1, axis=0) ids = np.delete(ids, -1, axis=0) # Data can start with a even or odd id if even: board = eeg_data[::2] daisy = eeg_data[1::2] else: daisy = eeg_data[::2] board = eeg_data[1::2] board = np.array( [ np.interp( np.arange(0, p.shape[0], 0.5), np.arange(p.shape[0]), p, ) for p in board.T ] ).T daisy = np.array( [ np.interp( np.arange(0, p.shape[0], 0.5), np.arange(p.shape[0]), p, ) for p in daisy.T ] ).T eeg = np.concatenate([np.stack(board), np.stack(daisy)], axis=1) else: eeg = eeg_data return eeg, ids
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize_aux( cls, stop_byte: int, aux: int, context: Dict[str, Any] ) -> np.ndarray: """Determine the content of `AUX` bytes and format it. Auxialiar data could contain different kind of information: accelometer, user defined, time stamped and digital or analog inputs. The context of `AUX` bytes are determined by the stop byte. If `stop_byte` is `0xc0` the `AUX` bytes contain `Standard with accel`, this data are packaged at different frequency, they will be show up each 10 or 11 packages, the final list will contain accelometer value in `G` units for axis `X`, `Y` and `Z` respectively and `None` when are not availables. If `stop_byte` is `0xc1` the `AUX` bytes contain `Standard with raw aux`, there are 3 types of raw data: `digital` in wich case the final list will contain the values for `D11`, `D12`, `D13`, `D17`, `D18`; `analog` with the values for `A7` (`D13`), `A6` (`D12`), `A5` (`D11`); `markers` data contain the the marker sended with `send_marker()` method. Parameters ---------- stop_byte 0xCX where X is 0-F in hex. aux 6 bytes of data defined and parsed based on the `Footer` bytes. context Information from the acquisition side useful for deserializing and that will be packaged back in the stream. Returns ------- list Correct data formated. """ # Standard with accel if stop_byte == 0xC0: return ( 0.002 * np.array( [ struct.unpack('>hhh', a.astype('i1').tobytes()) for a in aux ] ) / 16 ) # Standard with raw aux elif stop_byte == 0xC1: if context['boardmode'] == 'analog': if context['connection'] == 'wifi': # A7, A6 # D13, D12 # 2.36 ms ± 89.7 µs # return np.array([[rawutil.unpack('>H', bytes(ch))[0] for ch in row.reshape(-1, 2).tolist()][:2] for row in aux]) # 185 µs ± 3.27 µs return np.array( [ struct.unpack('>hhh', a.astype('i1').tobytes())[ :2 ] for a in aux ] ) else: # A7, A6, A5 # D13, D12, D11 # return np.array([[rawutil.unpack('>H', bytes(ch))[0] for ch in row.reshape(-1, 2).tolist()] for row in aux]) return np.array( [ struct.unpack('>hhh', a.astype('i1').tobytes()) for a in aux ] ) elif context['boardmode'] == 'digital': if context['connection'] == 'wifi': # D11, D12, D17 return aux[:, [0, 1, 3]] else: # D11, D12, D13, D17, D18 return aux[:, :-1] elif context['boardmode'] == 'marker': # Some time for some reason, marker not always send back from # OpenBCI, so this module implement a strategy to send a burst of # markers but read back only one. a = aux[:, 1] a[a > ord('Z')] = 0 a[a < ord('A')] = 0 return a # User defined elif stop_byte == 0xC2: pass # Time stamped set with accel elif stop_byte == 0xC3: pass # Time stamped with accel elif stop_byte == 0xC4: pass # Time stamped set with raw auxcalculate_sample_rate elif stop_byte == 0xC5: pass # Time stamped with raw aux elif stop_byte == 0xC6: pass return np.zeros(cls.LAST_AUX_SHAPE)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def stream(self, data, context): """Kafka produser. Stream data to network. Parameters ---------- data : list The EEG data format. """ data_ = { 'context': context.copy(), 'data': data.copy(), } self.producer_eeg.send(f'eeg{self.board_id}', data_) # future = self.producer_eeg.send(f'eeg{self.board_id}', data_) # try: # future.get() # except Exception as e: # logging.error(e) logging.debug(f"streamed ({data[0].shape}, {data[1].shape}) samples")
if __name__ == '__main__': tranformer = BinaryToEEG(0) tranformer.consume()